I’m back from Seoul where I met C-Pop idol and actor Zhang Zhehan’s mom in a weird sequence of events but more on that later. First, I wanted to share this.
A week before my trip, I received a text from a friend. She asked if I could do a sound healing for a local rehab center in Honolulu. But I’m not a sound healer.
While I do energy work (Reiki, QTH and what’s called Soul Trauma Healing or STH) as well as lead guided meditations, even owning a few Himalayan Crystal Singing bowls like the one pictured here, sound healing is not my thing and I told her so.
Being persistent she shared that it was for stroke patients and that I would be helping to aide in their recovery. While I was still pretty hesitant as I can’t hold a tune and have my own (no) sense of rhythm, I reluctantly agreed. After dusting off my crystal bowls and practicing a bit, I soon realized I may have bitten off more than I could chew. Sweating, I immediately sat down to talk with my guides.
Me: “I think I need to back out. Who am I kidding here? I’m no sound healer. Besides, I think I need at least three other Himalayan crystal bowls to make this work and those cost money. I’m sure they can find someone else if I back out now...”
G: “You’re not there to put on a concert. You’re there to bring your light. Use your intuition much as you do in your personal and professional life, and while doing energy work to help others.”
Me: “Oh.”
Four days later she and I were at the rehab center lugging all our stuff in.
Turns out there was a bigger crowd than we both expected. Not only were stroke patients in the audience but their family members, and care givers came as well as doctors, nurses and even massage therapists. Normally that would have thrown me, but with my purpose there clear and after practicing in the days leading up to it even learning to play using two hands, I dove in.
After inviting everyone to take a couple of deep breaths and close their eyes, for the next half hour, we immersed ourselves in the beautiful and healing sounds of Himalayan quartz crystal bowls, Tibetan chimes, Buddhist prayer gongs, and brass singing bowls. It was quite beautiful.
My friend also taught them a little hand yoga allowing those with mobility issues to also participate. I then led everyone in a guided meditation accompanied by music (guided imagery) starting off in a beautiful meadow on a warm sunny day.
Afterwards we were invited to do it again for a women’s group of educators. I was also asked by several people if I taught lessons. The youngest stroke patient there was a 15 year old girl. The oldest was an 86 year old woman who taught the ukelele. They all expressed their appreciation and wanted to learn more about sound healing, and more about healing themselves. They expressed how relaxed it made them feel and one even fell asleep!
You can find the full guided healing meditation here:
“Synchronicities abound when you encourage others!”
From this experience, many synchronicities began to flow like what followed during my trip to Seoul just days later.
Synchronicities Abound!
It started out with my sister and I getting lost on our very first day walking in the sprawling city. We later stopped a young man to ask for directions. This led to an amazing encounter. Without getting into too much detail, it was clear that he was very depressed and had a lot on his mind. After walking with him and interacting a bit we soon found ourselves unexpectedly in a huge and most beautiful park in the middle of downtown Seoul - Namsan Park. Our paths later crossed again and it was like greeting an old friend. Even his countenance had changed and he looked so much better.
From the very top of the park you reach the North Seoul Tower where you are treated to a breathtaking 360 degree view of Seoul below.
Just a few days and many warm encounters with others later, on the day of Zhang Zhehan’s concert we were riding the metro back to our hotel to get ready. We happened to pass by this building clock in Paju at exactly this time:
Later that evening we went to the concert and had a blast, made even more warm connections this time with fans from China who also traveled to see him and gave us gifts and momentos. Check out his pics below.
Seoul, S Korea, 11/16/24.
Photo credits: ZhangZhehan_official
Doesn’t he look like a star seed straight from outer space?
After the concert, as we were leaving the auditorium, Zhang Zhehan’s mother suddenly appeared beside me. I still don’t know how it happened.
What followed was the most natural and warm exchange. As we were speaking, the feeling was very much as if we had known each other for a very, very long time. It felt much like I was talking with my own mother who has since passed. I truly felt her genuine sincerity as we walked and quietly chatted.
I was also able to give her a card I had prepared for her son quite awhile back but never knew how to get to him. (I actually thought about throwing it away back in Hawaii but was guided to bring it instead. I’m so glad I did.)
She thanked me and my sister sincerely for supporting her son and for the card. I will never forget how I felt as we talked and gazed in each other’s eyes. While she and I were talking, it got very quiet around us and everyone suddenly gave us a wide berth. It felt like we were in a protected bubble or space somewhere very private instead of leaving this very large auditorium in the midst of a crowd. The feeling in it was wholesome and loving. I still can’t explain it.
Considering her idol son whose personal ordeal and beautiful spirit inspired me to write the Star Seed Series to encourage him and others, I’m still in a bit of a shock this even occurred. Thankfully my sister witnessed the whole thing and we are still talking about how weird it was. It felt like she beamed in beside me.
The synchronicities and flow and unexpected abundance didn’t stop there. We continued to find ourselves at the right place right time over and over again throughout our trip (even repeatedly receiving 2-for-1 deals, people’s generosity and more everywhere we went.) We felt like celebrities who won the lottery. We also met and had amazing encounters with so many people all over Seoul. It was an incredibly fulfilling experience.
(Me and my sis at a traditional Hanok village moments before we met this young man and shopkeeper.
“The energies that you offer the world will return to you in full measure. Your Light flows through you and will reach many others.”
I believe everything was set in motion back when my friend texted me asking me to offer my assistance and I agreed. Even though I wasn’t feeling very confident in my abilities at the time, my desire to assist was all that really mattered. The rest just flowed.
Life is like that, isn’t it? There is so much to learn and experience and enjoy.
Thanks for reading along. I hope you enjoy the pics.
As always, be well and enjoy!
Touch the Light!
XOXO ❤️❤️❤️