There are some in the spiritual community who feel that Lightworkers who espouse unconditional love and Light are imposters. Rather a true Lightworker is one who urges people to examine the shadows and darkness within their own lives and work to transmute it. But this is a misconception. For without light and unconditional love, particularly for yourself, examining the darkness and traumas will only amount to an exercise in futility. Sort of a “ruminating and rehashing about that which you have experienced and which continues to trouble you” yet positing no real solution nor having any real spiritual foundation to do anything about it. You can spot these misinformed ones a mile away because they are usually the ones who use profanity, spew vitriole and exude anger out of feelings of powerlessness and wear it like a badge. They also tend to bring politics into any discussion about spirituality which is a clear sign they are still living and anchored firmly at the 3D. If you see this, run!
This is because the first button is in the wrong hole.
The whole idea of understanding who you/we are at our core, who we all are at our core is that we are Light. Sparks of Source, All That Is. This is the most critical and fundamental understanding of the self. This is because all of us here on Earth seeking to ascend are Light. Any perceived darkness comes from the misunderstanding of this truth. In some cases people who have been mired in contrast for a long time and thus are far away from understanding who they truly are, that they are Light at their core have simply come to believe that they are dark or that they must first examine the darkness to find their light. Worse, they wreak havoc on themselves and others in their unhappiness. But rather than fumble around in the dark and putting so much stock in all that contrast, isn’t it much better to just turn on your light switch? Knowing who you are at your core will resolve all doubt about the rest. And once you truly know who you are, everything else falls into place.

I spent a majority of my life examining and re-examining all the things about myself and humanity that I wish I could change thanks to a devoted religious practice that I only recently extricated myself from in 2018. Since then I have come to accept who I really am and how beautiful my life is and that indeed despite what everyone says about Earth, that it is indeed “Bora Bora”. My life is actually beautiful. I have since realized that all the other stuff I was led to believe about myself and others that I was diligently trying to work on or change was really me stumbling around in the dark. It was all really nothing more than an illusion. A costume I and they temporarily wore until we decide we didn’t need to wear it anymore because it was only obscuring all our beauty, Light and Love that is us. This is not to say we all don’t have glaring faults or areas we wish to improve on to enable us to live more in balance (I call these fishhooks that tether us to the 3D.). But pulling out these fishhooks is a heck of a lot easier when you know your true self and others— all of creation, in fact— is one of Light.

This is what all the great Ascended Masters who came to Earth taught us. Buddha, Yeshua, Mohammad, St. Germain, Morya, Lao ze, Quan Yin, and countless nameless others. Many who still walk amongst us here. But instead, listening to lower vibrational energies, some who may never even have been in human form to begin with can lead one astray and to believe that they are darkness, their lives are mired in suffering, and that the world is in chaos and in order to be fixed we need to first fix it all starting with ourselves. But if we are at our core Magnificent beings of Light, is there really anything we need to fix except our understanding and perception of ourselves? This is really about expanding one’s consciousness, isn’t it, not fixing anything.
Putting down the flower children, other Lightworkers, yoga masters, and anyone else shining Light and doing the work of the masters isn’t being a Lightworker yourself. It’s listening to the lower vibrations (who were also born of Light but forgot) that whisper to you that somehow you are better than the others and that your present understanding somehow justifies judging others. But isn’t this like the blind leading the blind? And is there really judgment at the higher vibrations? No there isn’t.
Truly this sort of thinking is a trap and one those of the lower vibrations have used to keep the vibration on the Earth plane low.

But in reality, when you see yourself, nay, see everyone, even those you may not like or appreciate, for who they and everyone else is at their core —beings of Light (some who just may have forgotten or are misguided) —then it changes your perspective on things and your own place in the world. More importantly, it changes your reality. Yes, once you yourself make this profound upward shift, your entire existence changes. Your environment as well as your view and perception of everything around you changes for the better. You begin to respond differently causing a domino effect.
We are not creatures mired in darkness unless you put yourself squarely there. Yes there is contrast. Yes there are people and entities who have forgotten their connection to Source Light and are having quite the time of it creating chaos. No doubt. You might even have had a hand in that yourself up to now. But with a better understanding of who you really are, go forth and shine brightly.
You came to Earth to learn, to grow, to help your brethren, to aide Gaia by raising the mass consciousness, to ascend by remembering who you are.
Gaia herself is an advanced consciousness and being of unconditional love and Light who unlike most humans never forgot her roots or connection to Source. Even despite all the horrors the sleepwalking humans have inflicted on her. And as an advanced conscious being, she is ascending to the 5D vibrations. The question is will humanity ascend with her or cling to the 3D version of reality they have been heavily programmed to believe is all there is? Including that they must first examine their own darkness before acknowledging their own Light.

No need to take the slow, protracted, roundabout way of seeing yourself as Light when you can take the EXPRESS route by acknowledging that you already are Light. It will make the journey of letting go one’s fierce attachment to the lower vibrations all the more easy. And it will speed up humanity’s ascension while we are at it.
The more love and Light we are able to carry, the more lower vibrations on the Earth plane are cleared away. It really is this simple. And the more the lower vibes are cleared away, the faster humanity in sync with Gaia will ascend. We are already there in fact despite what all the naysayers say and those who insist on continually bringing chaos and confusion here. That’s the old timeline and paradigm and it’s already at the end of its tether. Don’t pay any mind to it. Focus on your Light and what you can do to bring even more of it and unconditional love (unconditional acceptance) to the world. Because when you do, you expand it exponentially. And in the face of all that love and Light, darkness has no place to exist.
