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The Golden Web of Life - The Love You Give, You Receive in Full Measure


When we put a vibrational message and/or our energy out into the ethers it merges with a collective web where others who are similar or equal in vibration can pick up on it, communicate with, connect with you and you with them much like an internet chat room, IM or Livestream. Unlike the internet it’s a bit easier to tap into a specific channel of this Ethernet of All Things and only requires you be tuned into the appropriate frequency (aka life state). The key here is resonance.

What Is Resonance?

In physics, resonance is defined as the reinforcement or prolongation of sound by reflection from a surface or by the synchronous vibration of a neighboring object. Merriam-Webster defines it a little less harshly for those less scientifically inclined as well 1(a): the quality or state of being resonant. 1(b): a vibration of large amplitude in a mechanical or electrical system caused by a relatively small periodic stimulus of the same or nearly the same period as the natural vibration period of the system. ( More simply, when you pluck the string of a guitar, strings on similar instruments within range of the same frequency will also vibrate. Birds of a feather flock together….you get it.

If you resonate at a specific frequency you can tap into, pick up, and communicate at that frequency with all those similarly tuned in at that frequency. We all have an opportunity to switch frequencies and tune in elsewhere depending on where you are vibing at that moment. The mainframe, array or “platform” supporting these frequencies is Source and thus directly connected to Source. Therefore it contains the vibrations closest to the light as well as supports vibrations farther away from the light. We are always plugged in. Where we are plugged in depends on your life state.

Your Vibration Matters

Depending upon your life state, whether high or low or somewhere in between, you tap in at your local frequency quite readily. To tap into higher frequencies than you may be at requires raising your life state. To reach higher. Even a little bit. Once you manage that, your whole perspective begins to change enabling you to have a different outlook and more importantly reach even higher frequencies with less work. I like to use this example: The topic of grounding always comes up when working with healing clients. By illustration, simply walking on the beach or on grass bare feet for a few minutes has an immediate effect on the body and spirit - - it feels very nurturing. Like you are connected to the earth. (The earth which vibrates at its own higher frequency is of course tapped into the web of planets, stars, galaxies and universes and shared frequency.) You get the benefit of all that just by stepping barefoot onto her. That’s tapping into higher frequencies. It’s so powerful that you want to and usually plan to do it again even on a subconscious level.

While doing it you feel a sense of calm, connectivity to others or nature, maybe even gratitude to have the time away to enjoy such a natural luxury. You notice the birds flying by, the wind in the trees, the waves washing upon the shore, the butterflies and bees in the garden or the dragonflies flitting about and playing. Once you tap into this higher frequency you begin to crave it and seek ways to connect to it. The longer you ignore the urges to connect at this level the longer you stay away from it and likely stay wedded to the lower ones. Even if your logical and busy mind reminds you that taking time out to walk on the beach or grass barefoot or gardening takes valuable time away from your very busy schedule….Go do it anyway.

The Golden Web of Life

The web or network of life is what we are all connected to. And it’s fluid allowing us to go from one state or frequency to another with ease if we consciously seek it. This web, this golden web of life therefore supports you, all life, all matter, space and moment on every plane of existence. And we contribute to it at every moment. It’s invisible but it’s there. Quantum physics, the “new” physics being taught with greater reach explains this very idea in more scientific terms.

Let’s take a look at how we each contribute to this massive web of life. On the high side, we share ideas, we write…we sing, we laugh, we send love, we take care of the earth, we have epiphanies…all of this we share in this high vibe frequency band or collective with each other whether consciously or unconsciously. And when tapped in here, we can take part in it, add to it, and receive these high vibe frequencies back. Thus, once we put a thought out in our mind that can reach this array at the life state we are at, in it goes! A part of the greater web of life. Likewise we can access this array whenever we desire. A veritable smorgasbord. We can run and play and stay here to our hearts content enjoying the energies. The love you give out you receive back in measure.

I also recently discovered that at some level our soul or spirit always can easily intuit what others at that frequency are thinking, feeling, and even when someone in the array or usually in the array at that frequency needs support. Perhaps this is even how telepathy works at some level…

By the same token, those putting out lower vibration energies, thoughts, ideas, actions and the like also contribute to the web at that particular frequency. Those whose life state is at that frequency easily and subconsciously are tapped into that band and can commiserate, produce content and contribute as well or just feed off of it. To get into the array you have to vibe at the same frequency or closely in that range. Since the ranges are fluid one can reach and switch up to higher frequencies or go in the opposite direction and shift downward. Once in the higher frequencies you can reach even higher or if in the lower bands, reach even lower. And others in those bands can reach you, too.

A Call Out Into the Ethers

Recently I got a call from someone to assist another individual halfway around the world who was deeply struggling by sending thoughts of love and light. This call did not come from the internet, by phone or via text message or social media. It came through the ethers. Both of these individuals typically resonate at a pretty high level and have important life missions that affect millions of people around the globe. Thus the struggle was real, magnified and impacts many. For days this energetic and silent SOS reached my consciousness before I realized what was going on. Once I tapped in, I felt compelled to respond. I also know I was not the only one who heard the call and are responding similarly by sending Love and Light. While some felt inclined to send love to the entire situation or issue causing the suffering, my higher self felt guided to send Love and Light directly to the person. But not everyone heard the call.

Being a Virgo and of analytical mind, this got me wondering about how this was possible and why that SOS seemed to directly reach my ears and not others. Had I been closed off or out of bounds of that particular frequency, perhaps I might not have heard it either. Or was something else at work?

A few years back during a prior channeling session with a friend, I asked the guides if when I send love to an entire country (in that case Africa) does it reach its target? At the time a huge crisis was brewing in Northern Africa causing people to flee into further danger into neighboring countries. The guides offered this:

G: “Yes it does. When the feeling arises within to assist others, this message comes from the angels and higher vibrational beings you work with. It doesn’t just stem from your own consciousness.”

Oh. Could this mean I tapped into the frequencies where I could hear these angels and higher vibrational beings? Thus as someone who is “boots-on-the-ground” so to speak, I felt compelled to send love where it’s needed? If that’s so, high vibrational beings can include us humans. We are able to send and receive messages at those frequencies, too.

The Password is Love

The vibration of love transcends all frequencies. The pure frequency of unconditional love is boundless. It transcends space, time, matter and all planes of existence. It can reach the farthest stars and galaxies on this web that connects us. It can reach those who have already transitioned and may even be on their next incarnation some where else. Thus when a person sends heart centered Love to another through thought, sincere prayer, meditation or otherwise, it directly reaches its target. Your higher self in effect communicates that frequency to the higher self of the other person. In the case of Yeshua, I have been told that the love he emitted from the depths of his being at the time of his transition still resonates powerfully on the earth plane to this day.

This is all food for thought. I hope by these words you will feel inspired to send Love and Light to another, raise your own vibration, learn to play in the higher energies and contribute your genius, as well as to heed the call of another when it comes. To reach for those higher vibrations and know that no matter where you may find yourself on the web of life, as sparks of Source, reaching those higher states is well within your grasp.

Touch the Light! ❤️

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